Archive volume
Volume 62
Year 1995
M.Hayawi-Hamash: On the neuroectodermal origin of the adenohypophysis | 5 |
P.Hošek, F.Stožický, P.Brejchová: Our experiences with the six month fitness programme in children with risk for ischemic coronary heart disease | 7 |
M.Přibil: Complaints in the area of the locomotory systém in men of middle age | 13 |
P.Sobotka, J.Trnka, L.Škarvanová, A.Motáňová: The effect of caffeine on the conditioned reaction of avoidance | 19 |
H.Zavázalová, G.Károlyi, V.Zaremba, S.Vožehová, K.Zikmundová: Health and social situation in a series of persons of old age in the Czech republic and in Hungary | 25 |
V.Zaremba, H.Zavázalová, S.Vožehová: Health and social situation of persons over 60 years of age | 33 |
K.Zikmundová, H.Zavázalová, S.Vožehová, V.Zaremba: The influence of family on the development of activities in old age | 41 |
K.Zikmundová, H.Zavázalová, S.Vožehová, A.Neklanová: Social characteristics of the population of old people's homes | 47 |
R.Říčařová, P.Těšínský: Cyclosporin A in "high-risk" keratoplasty | 53 |
M.Novák, J.Tomanová, V.Resl: An objective method for evaluation of healing of crural ulcus | 57 |
P.Sobotka: Ethics of work with laboratory animals | 61 |
J.Heřt: Scientia, scientismus, and antiscientismus | 71 |
K.Stuchlová, V.Prokopová, P.Křižanovský, J.Kočová, H.Kvapilová: Fatal pulmonary embolism | 79 |
P.Elhotová, L.Štěpánková: Evaluation of tumour markers in lung cancer | 83 |
9th west Bohemia symposion of physicians and nurses | 91 |
B.Jílková, H.Korbová: The care for diabetic children in practice | 93 |
O.Matoušková: Laser in ophthalmology | 97 |
A.Jedličková: Therapy of infectious complications in diabetics | 101 |
E.Dvořáková: Polyglandular autoimmune endocrine syndrome (PAES) | 105 |
J.Motáň, V.Brožková, F.Lošan, J.Klabochová, J.Březinová: Hypothyreosis in twins | 109 |
V.Časta, V.Baarová, S.Náměstek: Puncture biopsy of thyroid gland in the hospital Klatovy in the year 1993 | 115 |
V.Štruncová, D.Sedláček: Experiences with the increased incidence and treatment of meningococcal disease at the department of infectious diseases in Plzeň | 119 |
F.Lošan, M.Pešek, L.Papoutsidesová: Tissue cultures used for the diagnosis and testing of sensitivity of cytostatics | 125 |
J.Majer: Georgius Agricola (1494-1555), its life and work | 131 |
J.Kohout: Occupational medicine in the work of Georgius Agricola | 137 |
F.Hůzl: Sound of new history of silicosis and of coal-miner pneumoconiosis in west Bohemia | 141 |
J.Kohout, A.Motáňová, F.Šefrna: Lung carcinoma in patients with pneumoconiosis | 147 |
Z.Ouda, J.Kohout, M.Hora: Risk factors in the tumour of Grawitz | 151 |
A.Křiváček, T.Pantoflíček: Malformations of the head structures and their genesis | 155 |
M.Beranová: Contribution to the problem of neuro-endocrine-immune relations | 159 |
From the life of Faculty | |
From the activity of our Faculty in 1992-1994 | 163 |
Foundation of Prof .MUDr. Eugen Vencovský, DrSc. | 173 |
Prof.MUDr.RNDr. Otto Slabý, DrSc. - in memoriam | 176 |
Prof.MUDr.František Vaníček - in memoriam | 178 |
Doc.MUDr.Jaroslav Vlk, CSc. - in memoriam | 180 |
70th Anniversary of prof.MUDr. Karel Opatrný, DrSc. | 181 |
65th Anniversary of prof.MUDr. Jaroslav Šimon, DrSc. | 183 |
60th Anniversary of prof.MUDr. Jan Kilian, DrSc. | 185 |
50th Anniversary of PhDr.Milena Mudruňková | 187 |
50th Anniversary of doc.MUDr.Josef Reischig, CSc. | 189 |
B.Horáková: | 193 |