Archive volume

Volume 62

Year 1995


M.Hayawi-Hamash: On the neuroectodermal origin of the adenohypophysis 5
P.Hošek, F.Stožický, P.Brejchová: Our experiences with the six month fitness programme in children with risk for ischemic coronary heart disease 7
M.Přibil: Complaints in the area of the locomotory systém in men of middle age 13
P.Sobotka, J.Trnka, L.Škarvanová, A.Motáňová: The effect of caffeine on the conditioned reaction of avoidance 19
H.Zavázalová, G.Károlyi, V.Zaremba, S.Vožehová, K.Zikmundová: Health and social situation in a series of persons of old age in the Czech republic and in Hungary 25
V.Zaremba, H.Zavázalová, S.Vožehová: Health and social situation of persons over 60 years of age 33
K.Zikmundová, H.Zavázalová, S.Vožehová, V.Zaremba: The influence of family on the development of activities in old age 41
K.Zikmundová, H.Zavázalová, S.Vožehová, A.Neklanová: Social characteristics of the population of old people's homes 47
R.Říčařová, P.Těšínský: Cyclosporin A in "high-risk" keratoplasty 53
M.Novák, J.Tomanová, V.Resl: An objective method for evaluation of healing of crural ulcus 57
P.Sobotka: Ethics of work with laboratory animals 61
J.Heřt: Scientia, scientismus, and antiscientismus 71
K.Stuchlová, V.Prokopová, P.Křižanovský, J.Kočová, H.Kvapilová: Fatal pulmonary embolism 79
P.Elhotová, L.Štěpánková: Evaluation of tumour markers in lung cancer 83
9th west Bohemia symposion of physicians and nurses 91
B.Jílková, H.Korbová: The care for diabetic children in practice 93
O.Matoušková: Laser in ophthalmology 97
A.Jedličková: Therapy of infectious complications in diabetics 101
E.Dvořáková: Polyglandular autoimmune endocrine syndrome (PAES) 105
J.Motáň, V.Brožková, F.Lošan, J.Klabochová, J.Březinová: Hypothyreosis in twins 109
V.Časta, V.Baarová, S.Náměstek: Puncture biopsy of thyroid gland in the hospital Klatovy in the year 1993 115
V.Štruncová, D.Sedláček: Experiences with the increased incidence and treatment of meningococcal disease at the department of infectious diseases in Plzeň 119
F.Lošan, M.Pešek, L.Papoutsidesová: Tissue cultures used for the diagnosis and testing of sensitivity of cytostatics 125
J.Majer: Georgius Agricola (1494-1555), its life and work 131
J.Kohout: Occupational medicine in the work of Georgius Agricola 137
F.Hůzl: Sound of new history of silicosis and of coal-miner pneumoconiosis in west Bohemia 141
J.Kohout, A.Motáňová, F.Šefrna: Lung carcinoma in patients with pneumoconiosis 147
Z.Ouda, J.Kohout, M.Hora: Risk factors in the tumour of Grawitz 151
A.Křiváček, T.Pantoflíček: Malformations of the head structures and their genesis 155
M.Beranová: Contribution to the problem of neuro-endocrine-immune relations 159
From the life of Faculty
From the activity of our Faculty in 1992-1994163
Foundation of Prof .MUDr. Eugen Vencovský, DrSc.173
Prof.MUDr.RNDr. Otto Slabý, DrSc. - in memoriam176
Prof.MUDr.František Vaníček - in memoriam178
Doc.MUDr.Jaroslav Vlk, CSc. - in memoriam180
70th Anniversary of prof.MUDr. Karel Opatrný, DrSc.181
65th Anniversary of prof.MUDr. Jaroslav Šimon, DrSc.183
60th Anniversary of prof.MUDr. Jan Kilian, DrSc.185
50th Anniversary of PhDr.Milena Mudruňková187
50th Anniversary of doc.MUDr.Josef Reischig, CSc.189
ISSN 0551-1038