Archive volume

Volume 63

Year 1996


P.Sobotka, J.Záhlava: Epileptogenic cortical focus in dogs 5
J.Hůla: New trends in the diagnosis and therapy of the infectious endocarditis 11
J.Vlasák, I.Sýkorová, H.Zavázalová: The elderly in the care of the general practitioner 21
V.Zaremba, H.Zavázalová, S.Vožehová, K.Zikmundová: The potential of geriatric prevention: Theoretical and practical considerations 37
I.Sýkorová, J.Vlasák, H.Zavázalová: Monitoring the costs of health care of the insured of the Garant-Hospital health insurance older than 60 years 35
V.Zaremba: Public health in Pilsen at the end of the nineteenth century 41
J.Valenta: Smoking and nonsmoking 51
E.Králíková, J.Kozák: Smoking and the style of life 53
A.Aujezdská, D.Müllerová: Physicians and smoking 61
Z.Zloch: Health risk substances of the cigarette smoke 69
D.Müllerová, D.Matějková: Smoking and obesity 75
E.Kružej: Behavioral aspects and instruments of weaning from smoking 79
I.Luhanová, B.Turek: Nutrition in the period of abstinency syndrome during the weaning from smoking 85
D.Hübschová: Problems of weaning from smoking from the point of view of practical physician 91
F.Stožický: Young people and smoking 95
M.Přibil: Smoking and the movement activity 101
P.Dočkalová, B.Hlávková: Smoking habits and types of behavior in students of medicine 105
J.Bouda: The risk of smoking habits in pregnant women 109
M.Pešek: Active and passive smoking as risk factor from the point of view of the oncologist 113
J.Kohout: Active and passive smoking from the point of view of occupational diseases 119
J.Sýkora: The hilus and the strong smoking habits 123
T.Koppe, H.Nagai: Implications of palatal growth for the maxillary sinus size in second trimester human fetuses 139
J.Fanghänel, C.Burandt, A.Blümel, A.Kraatz, H.Nägerl, D.Kubein-Mesenburg, M.Hanschke, B.Miehe: On the functional anatomy of the knee joint 145
W.Linss, R.Fröber, E.Schulze: Entspricht die in den Lehrbüchern der Embryologie beschreibene praenatale Entwicklung des Mitteldarmes der Realität? 147
R.Schultka, S.Menorath, Ch.Ziemann, M.Buchmann, R.Schultka jr., S.Čech: Wie verteilen sich Mastzellen in der menschlichen Tuba uterina? 151
K.Szabó, M.Misfeld, E.G.Kraatz, W.Kühnel, H.H.Sievers: Transmyokardiale Lasserrevaskularisation ein neues Konzept zur Behandlung von Myokardischämie 155
H.Strakele, J.Zlatoš: Intraacinar nerve terminals in the parotid gland. Electron microscopic tudy 157
K.Belej, L.Bošelová, E.Fuseková, E.Ochodnická: Ilustration of the mechanism of elasticity of the nerve fibers in PNS 159
E.Fusekova, K.Belej, E.Ochodnická, L.Bošelová: Internodal and paranodal changes after mechanical nerve injury 161
L´.Bošelová, K.Belej, E.Ochodnická, E.Fuseková: Myelinated nerve fibers after partial ischemia 163
E.Ochodnická, M.Ochodnický, K.Belej, E.Fuseková, L.Bošelová: Histological study of experimental diabetic neuropathy 165
V.Pospíšilová, J.Slípka: Cervical sinus and its relation to the thymus in human embryo 167
V.Prokopová, V.Pospíšilová, J.Slípka, J.Zlatoš, M.Švehlová: The early development of aortic arches 169
D.Horký, J.Adler: Ultrastructure of cultivation human fetal keratinocytes 173
S.Čech, I.Lauschová: Ultrastructural distribution pattern of glycogen in the oviduct epithelium of sexual immature mouse females 175
V.Páral: Abnormal development of bovine maxilla and os incisivum 177
F.Tichý, I.Míšek, H.Burda: The olfactory epithelium in subterranean mammal cryptomys sp. at the nest period of ontogeny 179
J.Šťastná: Submicroscopical localization of arylsulfatase activity in the human cumulus-oocyte complex 181
I.Míšek, K.Witter, M.Peterka, O.Štěrba, M.Klima, R.Peterková: 3D computer assisted reconstructions of tooth primordia in dolphin (Stenella attenuata) 183
V.Lichnovský, Z.Kolář, Z.Tauber: BCL-2 in organs of human embryos 185
E.Výborná, V.Holibka: The crypt epithelium of the human palatine tonsil in prenatal development 189
M.Kutal: Surface epithelium of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) palatine tonsil: scanning electron microscopic study 193
L.Machálek, A.Holibková, D.Houserková: A contribution of the morphology and the blood supply of the spleen 197
H.Brichová: To the question of the microglia cells differentiation 199
V.Konrádová, J.Uhlík, L.Vajner, A.Zajícová: Effect of the cholinergic stimulation on the ultrastructure of the airways' epithelium 201
D.Jarkovská, F.Kolář: Influence of thyroid hormones on postnatal ultrastructural development of rat atrial and ventricular myocytes 203
O.Procházková, B.Pospíšilová, K.Zadrobílek, D.Slížová, O.Krs, P.Bílek, Z.Hodačová: Modern teaching of anatomy 205
J.Kočová, V.Třeška, J.Valenta, J.Reischig, O.Topolčan: Structure of abdominal aortic aneurysms wall 207
J.Hůla, J.Maštálka, V.Beránek, J.Opatrný, .Hrubešová, P.Boček: Myxoma of the left atrium Echocardiographic morphology 211
P.Šíma, J.Slípka: Cell defence system of Annelids 213
J.Barcal, J.Kučerová, J.Mysliveček: Comparison of dopamine and nitric oxide effect on the motor activity in newborn rats 215
F.Trnka: The study of human choriogonadotropine in malign tumors 219
J.Kočová, V.Prokopová, M.Horáková: The structure of varicose vein wall 223
V.Prokopová, M.Švehlová, J.Kočová: The early development of vascular system in human ranchial region 225
T.Kohoutek, J.Kočová, M.Ludvíková, M.Beranová: Birth defects 229
A.Němečková, J.Reischig, P.Kufner: An influence of nickel on mouse hepatocytes 231
A.Němečková, .Strouhal, L.Vyhnánek: Histological picture of the primary bone tumors from the roman period of England 235
A.Křiváček, T.Pantoflíček, J.Slípka, T.Kohoutek: Sirenomely as a part of complex disturbancy of ontogeny 239
M.Beranová, J.Slípka: Immuno-neuro-endocrinological relations in teratology 243
F.Lošan, L.Papoutsidesová, J.Nový, V.Bouše, Č.Born: The cooperation of geneticist during assisted reproduction of man sterility 247
J.Kottová: Arthrotic changes in small jonts of the foot 249
J.Heřt, P.Fiala, L.Šašek, P.Vais: Regional differences in structure of the primary compact bone 251
Z.Mraček: Occipital subtorcular meningoceles: variant of Dandy-Walker malformation. Clinical morphology of two cases 253
J.Slípka jun.: Dysplasia of the larynx in western Bohemia 255
From the life of Faculty
From the activity of our faculty in 1995259
Foundation of prof.MUDr. Eugen Vencovský,CSc.265
Prof.MUDr.Vladimír Zavázal, DrSc. - in memoriam267
70th Anniversary of prof.MUDr. Zdeněk Chudáček, DrSc.269
70th Anniversary of prof.MUDr. František Hůzl, DrSc.271
60th Anniversary of doc.MUDr.František Fakan,CSc.273
60th Anniversary of doc.MUDr.Josef Kohout,CSc.275
50th Anniversary of doc.MUDr.RNDr.Pavel Fiala,CSc.277
ISSN 0551-1038