Archive volume
Volume 63
Year 1996
P.Sobotka, J.Záhlava: Epileptogenic cortical focus in dogs | 5 |
J.Hůla: New trends in the diagnosis and therapy of the infectious endocarditis | 11 |
J.Vlasák, I.Sýkorová, H.Zavázalová: The elderly in the care of the general practitioner | 21 |
V.Zaremba, H.Zavázalová, S.Vožehová, K.Zikmundová: The potential of geriatric prevention: Theoretical and practical considerations | 37 |
I.Sýkorová, J.Vlasák, H.Zavázalová: Monitoring the costs of health care of the insured of the Garant-Hospital health insurance older than 60 years | 35 |
V.Zaremba: Public health in Pilsen at the end of the nineteenth century | 41 |
J.Valenta: Smoking and nonsmoking | 51 |
E.Králíková, J.Kozák: Smoking and the style of life | 53 |
A.Aujezdská, D.Müllerová: Physicians and smoking | 61 |
Z.Zloch: Health risk substances of the cigarette smoke | 69 |
D.Müllerová, D.Matějková: Smoking and obesity | 75 |
E.Kružej: Behavioral aspects and instruments of weaning from smoking | 79 |
I.Luhanová, B.Turek: Nutrition in the period of abstinency syndrome during the weaning from smoking | 85 |
D.Hübschová: Problems of weaning from smoking from the point of view of practical physician | 91 |
F.Stožický: Young people and smoking | 95 |
M.Přibil: Smoking and the movement activity | 101 |
P.Dočkalová, B.Hlávková: Smoking habits and types of behavior in students of medicine | 105 |
J.Bouda: The risk of smoking habits in pregnant women | 109 |
M.Pešek: Active and passive smoking as risk factor from the point of view of the oncologist | 113 |
J.Kohout: Active and passive smoking from the point of view of occupational diseases | 119 |
J.Sýkora: The hilus and the strong smoking habits | 123 |
T.Koppe, H.Nagai: Implications of palatal growth for the maxillary sinus size in second trimester human fetuses | 139 |
J.Fanghänel, C.Burandt, A.Blümel, A.Kraatz, H.Nägerl, D.Kubein-Mesenburg, M.Hanschke, B.Miehe: On the functional anatomy of the knee joint | 145 |
W.Linss, R.Fröber, E.Schulze: Entspricht die in den Lehrbüchern der Embryologie beschreibene praenatale Entwicklung des Mitteldarmes der Realität? | 147 |
R.Schultka, S.Menorath, Ch.Ziemann, M.Buchmann, R.Schultka jr., S.Čech: Wie verteilen sich Mastzellen in der menschlichen Tuba uterina? | 151 |
K.Szabó, M.Misfeld, E.G.Kraatz, W.Kühnel, H.H.Sievers: Transmyokardiale Lasserrevaskularisation ein neues Konzept zur Behandlung von Myokardischämie | 155 |
H.Strakele, J.Zlatoš: Intraacinar nerve terminals in the parotid gland. Electron microscopic tudy | 157 |
K.Belej, L.Bošelová, E.Fuseková, E.Ochodnická: Ilustration of the mechanism of elasticity of the nerve fibers in PNS | 159 |
E.Fusekova, K.Belej, E.Ochodnická, L.Bošelová: Internodal and paranodal changes after mechanical nerve injury | 161 |
L´.Bošelová, K.Belej, E.Ochodnická, E.Fuseková: Myelinated nerve fibers after partial ischemia | 163 |
E.Ochodnická, M.Ochodnický, K.Belej, E.Fuseková, L.Bošelová: Histological study of experimental diabetic neuropathy | 165 |
V.Pospíšilová, J.Slípka: Cervical sinus and its relation to the thymus in human embryo | 167 |
V.Prokopová, V.Pospíšilová, J.Slípka, J.Zlatoš, M.Švehlová: The early development of aortic arches | 169 |
D.Horký, J.Adler: Ultrastructure of cultivation human fetal keratinocytes | 173 |
S.Čech, I.Lauschová: Ultrastructural distribution pattern of glycogen in the oviduct epithelium of sexual immature mouse females | 175 |
V.Páral: Abnormal development of bovine maxilla and os incisivum | 177 |
F.Tichý, I.Míšek, H.Burda: The olfactory epithelium in subterranean mammal cryptomys sp. at the nest period of ontogeny | 179 |
J.Šťastná: Submicroscopical localization of arylsulfatase activity in the human cumulus-oocyte complex | 181 |
I.Míšek, K.Witter, M.Peterka, O.Štěrba, M.Klima, R.Peterková: 3D computer assisted reconstructions of tooth primordia in dolphin (Stenella attenuata) | 183 |
V.Lichnovský, Z.Kolář, Z.Tauber: BCL-2 in organs of human embryos | 185 |
E.Výborná, V.Holibka: The crypt epithelium of the human palatine tonsil in prenatal development | 189 |
M.Kutal: Surface epithelium of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) palatine tonsil: scanning electron microscopic study | 193 |
L.Machálek, A.Holibková, D.Houserková: A contribution of the morphology and the blood supply of the spleen | 197 |
H.Brichová: To the question of the microglia cells differentiation | 199 |
V.Konrádová, J.Uhlík, L.Vajner, A.Zajícová: Effect of the cholinergic stimulation on the ultrastructure of the airways' epithelium | 201 |
D.Jarkovská, F.Kolář: Influence of thyroid hormones on postnatal ultrastructural development of rat atrial and ventricular myocytes | 203 |
O.Procházková, B.Pospíšilová, K.Zadrobílek, D.Slížová, O.Krs, P.Bílek, Z.Hodačová: Modern teaching of anatomy | 205 |
J.Kočová, V.Třeška, J.Valenta, J.Reischig, O.Topolčan: Structure of abdominal aortic aneurysms wall | 207 |
J.Hůla, J.Maštálka, V.Beránek, J.Opatrný, .Hrubešová, P.Boček: Myxoma of the left atrium Echocardiographic morphology | 211 |
P.Šíma, J.Slípka: Cell defence system of Annelids | 213 |
J.Barcal, J.Kučerová, J.Mysliveček: Comparison of dopamine and nitric oxide effect on the motor activity in newborn rats | 215 |
F.Trnka: The study of human choriogonadotropine in malign tumors | 219 |
J.Kočová, V.Prokopová, M.Horáková: The structure of varicose vein wall | 223 |
V.Prokopová, M.Švehlová, J.Kočová: The early development of vascular system in human ranchial region | 225 |
T.Kohoutek, J.Kočová, M.Ludvíková, M.Beranová: Birth defects | 229 |
A.Němečková, J.Reischig, P.Kufner: An influence of nickel on mouse hepatocytes | 231 |
A.Němečková, .Strouhal, L.Vyhnánek: Histological picture of the primary bone tumors from the roman period of England | 235 |
A.Křiváček, T.Pantoflíček, J.Slípka, T.Kohoutek: Sirenomely as a part of complex disturbancy of ontogeny | 239 |
M.Beranová, J.Slípka: Immuno-neuro-endocrinological relations in teratology | 243 |
F.Lošan, L.Papoutsidesová, J.Nový, V.Bouše, Č.Born: The cooperation of geneticist during assisted reproduction of man sterility | 247 |
J.Kottová: Arthrotic changes in small jonts of the foot | 249 |
J.Heřt, P.Fiala, L.Šašek, P.Vais: Regional differences in structure of the primary compact bone | 251 |
Z.Mraček: Occipital subtorcular meningoceles: variant of Dandy-Walker malformation. Clinical morphology of two cases | 253 |
J.Slípka jun.: Dysplasia of the larynx in western Bohemia | 255 |
From the life of Faculty | |
From the activity of our faculty in 1995 | 259 |
Foundation of prof.MUDr. Eugen Vencovský,CSc. | 265 |
Prof.MUDr.Vladimír Zavázal, DrSc. - in memoriam | 267 |
70th Anniversary of prof.MUDr. Zdeněk Chudáček, DrSc. | 269 |
70th Anniversary of prof.MUDr. František Hůzl, DrSc. | 271 |
60th Anniversary of doc.MUDr.František Fakan,CSc. | 273 |
60th Anniversary of doc.MUDr.Josef Kohout,CSc. | 275 |
50th Anniversary of doc.MUDr.RNDr.Pavel Fiala,CSc. | 277 |
B.Horáková: | 279 |