Archive volume
Volume 64
Year 1997
P.Sobotka: Experimental phenylketonuria | 5 |
A.Barnáš, D.Rajdl, M.Korabečná: The use of the gene 28S ribonucleic acid (rRNA) for species identification | 17 |
V.Zaremba, H.Zavázalová, S.Vožehová, K.Zikmundová: Chronic diseases in old age | 21 |
J.Droppa: Postoperative complications of diabetic patients during BHP | 29 |
Z.Rokyta, J.Šubrtová: The significance of punch biopsy from the cervix uteri for the adequacy of the following treatment of the cervical lesions | 35 |
M.Hora, Z.Ouda: The causes of erectile dysfunction | 43 |
J.Sýkora, F.Stožický, K.Pizingerová, P.Stehlík: Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and modified non-invasive fluorescein-manitol test in children | 51 |
M.Haschová, V.Krauz, P.Panzner: The investigation of antiendomysium antibodies | 55 |
J.Slípka, V.Hrabě: Contemporaneous indications to tracheotomy | 59 |
J.Droppa, F.Šíp, V.Petříková: Transmission of laboratory data within clinical practice | 63 |
V.Machartová, J.Kohout, V.Senft: Differential diagnosis between lead poisoning and acute intermitent porphyria | 71 |
K.Soukupová: Digoxin intoxication | 75 |
J.Kohout: Medicine in the life and work of Jaroslav Foglar | 79 |
A.Magged: Some human seminal plasma properties | 87 |
M.Ullrych: Ossification processes in the development of the mandible | 89 |
M.Malínková, J.Mindlová: The quality of life in diabetes mellitus patients | 93 |
J.Sýkora, R.Sýkorová: Indication for cesarean section | 97 |
V.Pavelec: Indication for tonsillectomy – primary care physicians versus otolaryngologists | 101 |
R.Masarovičová, J.Podešvová: Smokerlyzer as the instrument for the objective identifications of the heavy smoking habits | 107 |
D.Hynčík: Thoughts of our students | 113 |
T-Bauer: Students and computers | 121 |
K.Víchová, J.Prokopová, J.Kočová, H.Kvapilová: Fatal pulmonary embolism | 127 |
J.Hůla: Preface | 131 |
P.Niederle: 30 years' history of echocardiography in our country | 133 |
J.Hůla, P.Boček: Echocardiographic evaluation of diastolic dysfunction of left heart ventricle | 137 |
V.Chaloupka: Stress echocardiography in clinical practice | 143 |
G.Kamenský: TEE: importance and diagnostic remindes | 149 |
P.Niederle, E.Mandysova, A.Stárek, P.Henyš, P.Neužil: Transoesophageal echocardiography in the diagnostic of the intracardiac thrombosis | 157 |
P.Frídl: Infective endocarditis and chocardiography | 161 |
J.Opatrný, P.Boček, J.Wirth, S.Opatrná, J.Eiselt, K.Opatrný Jr.: Echocardiography in hemodialysis - treated patients | 165 |
V.Jankových: Postinfarction pseudoaneurysm of the left heart ventricle | 171 |
From the life of Faculty | |
From the activity of our Faculty in 1996 | 175 |
80th Anniversary of prof.MUDr.Jaroslav Kos | 179 |
65tn Anniversary of prof.MUDr .Miroslav Průcha,DrSc. | 182 |
65th Anniversary of doc.MUDr.Václav Fessl,CSc. | 184 |
B.Horáková: | 187 |