Archive volume

Volume 64

Year 1997


P.Sobotka: Experimental phenylketonuria 5
A.Barnáš, D.Rajdl, M.Korabečná: The use of the gene 28S ribonucleic acid (rRNA) for species identification 17
V.Zaremba, H.Zavázalová, S.Vožehová, K.Zikmundová: Chronic diseases in old age 21
J.Droppa: Postoperative complications of diabetic patients during BHP 29
Z.Rokyta, J.Šubrtová: The significance of punch biopsy from the cervix uteri for the adequacy of the following treatment of the cervical lesions 35
M.Hora, Z.Ouda: The causes of erectile dysfunction 43
J.Sýkora, F.Stožický, K.Pizingerová, P.Stehlík: Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and modified non-invasive fluorescein-manitol test in children 51
M.Haschová, V.Krauz, P.Panzner: The investigation of antiendomysium antibodies 55
J.Slípka, V.Hrabě: Contemporaneous indications to tracheotomy 59
J.Droppa, F.Šíp, V.Petříková: Transmission of laboratory data within clinical practice 63
V.Machartová, J.Kohout, V.Senft: Differential diagnosis between lead poisoning and acute intermitent porphyria 71
K.Soukupová: Digoxin intoxication 75
J.Kohout: Medicine in the life and work of Jaroslav Foglar 79
A.Magged: Some human seminal plasma properties 87
M.Ullrych: Ossification processes in the development of the mandible 89
M.Malínková, J.Mindlová: The quality of life in diabetes mellitus patients 93
J.Sýkora, R.Sýkorová: Indication for cesarean section 97
V.Pavelec: Indication for tonsillectomy – primary care physicians versus otolaryngologists 101
R.Masarovičová, J.Podešvová: Smokerlyzer as the instrument for the objective identifications of the heavy smoking habits 107
D.Hynčík: Thoughts of our students 113
T-Bauer: Students and computers 121
K.Víchová, J.Prokopová, J.Kočová, H.Kvapilová: Fatal pulmonary embolism 127
J.Hůla: Preface 131
P.Niederle: 30 years' history of echocardiography in our country 133
J.Hůla, P.Boček: Echocardiographic evaluation of diastolic dysfunction of left heart ventricle 137
V.Chaloupka: Stress echocardiography in clinical practice 143
G.Kamenský: TEE: importance and diagnostic remindes 149
P.Niederle, E.Mandysova, A.Stárek, P.Henyš, P.Neužil: Transoesophageal echocardiography in the diagnostic of the intracardiac thrombosis 157
P.Frídl: Infective endocarditis and chocardiography 161
J.Opatrný, P.Boček, J.Wirth, S.Opatrná, J.Eiselt, K.Opatrný Jr.: Echocardiography in hemodialysis - treated patients 165
V.Jankových: Postinfarction pseudoaneurysm of the left heart ventricle 171
From the life of Faculty
From the activity of our Faculty in 1996175
80th Anniversary of prof.MUDr.Jaroslav Kos179
65tn Anniversary of prof.MUDr .Miroslav Průcha,DrSc.182
65th Anniversary of doc.MUDr.Václav Fessl,CSc.184
ISSN 0551-1038