Archive volume

Volume 65

Year 1998


J. Cendelín, F. Vožeh: Assessment of CNS excitability in natural model of cerebellar degeneration 5
P. Sobotka, M. Novotná: The influence of starvation of rats on glycemia 11
S. Vožehová, H. Zavázalová, V. Zaremba, K. Zikmundová: The old people in general practicioners care 17
R. Kubák: Present state and perspective of ultrasound in cardiology 23
J. Motáň, M. Křížek, V. Senft: Alterations of serum levels of magnesium, zinc and copper during hemodialysis 29
J. Slípka: The pathogenesis of vocal cord cysts 37
P. Těšínský, R. Říčařová, I. Sováková: Nd YAG laser iridotomy in primary angle closure glaucoma 41
R. Říčařová, Š. Plíšková, P. Těšínský: Penetrating ocular injuries at the Eye department of the Faculty hospital in Pilsen 45
R. Ríčařová, J. Fiedler, I. Sováková, P. Těšínský: Retrobulbar neuritis as a complication of radiation illness 49
J. Boříková, O. Bořík: The friendship of J. A. Ryba and Jean de Carro associated with Karlovy Vary 53
J. Boříková, O. Bořík: The first students and professors from Plzeň (Pilsen) of Charles University and the efforts for reestablishment of medical faculty 61
J. Skolka, K. Lukavský, J. Reischig: Monumental sculptures in the building of Medical Faculty in Pilsen 67
From the life of Faculty
From the activity of our Faculty in 199771
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Jiří Heřt, DrSc.74
70th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Milan Přibil, CSc.76
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Pavel Sobotka, DrSc.78
60th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. František Lošan, CSc.79
The 1997 Bibliography of Scientifíc Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Medical Faculty, Charles University, Plzeň81
ISSN 0551-1038