Archive volume
Volume 66
Year 1999
Tobaccoism as a risk of diseases, Preface | 5 |
R. Masironi: The role of health professionals | 7 |
O. Akerberg: Strategies for tobacco preventive measures in dental practice | 13 |
J. Kříž: Social and political aspects of the smoking prevention | 19 |
D. Hrubá: No smoking medical students - educational model is used on Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno | 23 |
Z. Zloch: Toxicological interactions between cigarette smoke and various chemical pollutants | 31 |
Z. Dientsbier, E. Hrubá, J. Pradáčová, K. Bernard: Activity of the League against cancer in the antismoking prevention | 35 |
E. Kružej, R. Nosková, H. Nosková: Tobaccoism, quality of life index and prevention of atherosclerosis | 39 |
D. Hrubá: The knowledge of nicotine in medical practice | 43 |
J. Kříž, H. Sovinová: Promotion of non-smoking activities and the role of the National Institute of Public Health | 47 |
V. Srb: Genotoxicity of smoking | 53 |
D. Müllerová: Obesity and strong smoking habit with regard to atherosclerosis | 57 |
D. Müllerová, D. Matějková: Smoking and the body mass index | 61 |
Z. Zloch: Historical evolution of cigarettes from the standpoint of influencing their health harmfulness | 65 |
A. Fingerland: Cigarettes became the most frequent cause of diseases and death | 69 |
J. Čelakovský: The influence of smoking on health | 73 |
J. Filipovský: Smoking and cardiovascular diseases | 77 |
J. Kohout: Contemporary knowledges of risk of active and passive smoking from the view of occupational diseases | 81 |
J. Bouda: Women and smoking | 85 |
F. Stožický: The infavourable influence of smoking on the health of children and adolescents | 89 |
P. Sobotka: Neurochemical correlation of epileptogenic activity of acetylcholine | 95 |
V. Zaremba, H. Zavázalová, S. Vožehová, K Zikmundová: Health situation of persons aged ninety years and over | 99 |
V. Zeman: Cold adaptation in man - possibilities and limits | 105 |
M. Štork, K. Blaško: KARDIOSPIROX-W and KONSIL-W the device for spirometrie examination | 109 |
M. Štork, J. Stráník: Use KONSIL software for aerobic and anaerobic threshold determination | 113 |
Z. Vilikus: Interactive evaluation of physical activity with the help of software application in Excel 97 spreadsheet | 117 |
P. Zelenka: Misunderstanding of the importance of the movement activity in the prevention and therapy in civilisation diseases | 119 |
J. Sýkora, F. Stožický, J. Varvařovská, J. Kuntscherová: Diagnostic possibilities of Helicobacter pylori infection and their clinical applications in childhood | 123 |
J. Kohout, M. Nakládalová: Occupational rhinitis in West Bohemia and North Moravia | 127 |
A. Barnáš, H. Jirková, O. Slach, F. Vožeh: The methods of intracaecal administration of substances on laboratory rat and their utilization for studying the etiology of colonic cancer | 135 |
M. Parmová: The assessment of functional condition of transplantate of kidneys by the duplex sonography - correlation with biochemistry and histologie findings | 139 |
Z. Toner: Microscopic anatomy of the sixth prenatal stage of the bank vole (C. glareolus) | 143 |
J. Kohout, E., Brtáňová: Medical problems in works of saint Ignatius from Loyola and Gabriel Hevenesi | 149 |
P Žolková, Z Rušavý, I. Klimeš: Models of insuline resistance in animals | 153 |
From the life of Faculty | |
From the activity of our Faculty in 1998 | 165 |
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Jan Kilian, DrSc. | 169 |
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Hladíková, CSc. | 171 |
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Jiří Šolc, CSc. | 173 |
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Jinřich Šebor, CSc. | 175 |
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Jaromír Bouda, CSc. | 176 |
65th Anniversary of Mgr. Jiří Boháč | 178 |
The 1998 Bibliography of Scientific Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Medical Faculty, Charles University, Plzeň | 179 |