Archive volume

Volume 66

Year 1999


Tobaccoism as a risk of diseases, Preface 5
R. Masironi: The role of health professionals 7
O. Akerberg: Strategies for tobacco preventive measures in dental practice 13
J. Kříž: Social and political aspects of the smoking prevention 19
D. Hrubá: No smoking medical students - educational model is used on Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno 23
Z. Zloch: Toxicological interactions between cigarette smoke and various chemical pollutants 31
Z. Dientsbier, E. Hrubá, J. Pradáčová, K. Bernard: Activity of the League against cancer in the antismoking prevention 35
E. Kružej, R. Nosková, H. Nosková: Tobaccoism, quality of life index and prevention of atherosclerosis 39
D. Hrubá: The knowledge of nicotine in medical practice 43
J. Kříž, H. Sovinová: Promotion of non-smoking activities and the role of the National Institute of Public Health 47
V. Srb: Genotoxicity of smoking 53
D. Müllerová: Obesity and strong smoking habit with regard to atherosclerosis 57
D. Müllerová, D. Matějková: Smoking and the body mass index 61
Z. Zloch: Historical evolution of cigarettes from the standpoint of influencing their health harmfulness 65
A. Fingerland: Cigarettes became the most frequent cause of diseases and death 69
J. Čelakovský: The influence of smoking on health 73
J. Filipovský: Smoking and cardiovascular diseases 77
J. Kohout: Contemporary knowledges of risk of active and passive smoking from the view of occupational diseases 81
J. Bouda: Women and smoking 85
F. Stožický: The infavourable influence of smoking on the health of children and adolescents 89
P. Sobotka: Neurochemical correlation of epileptogenic activity of acetylcholine 95
V. Zaremba, H. Zavázalová, S. Vožehová, K Zikmundová: Health situation of persons aged ninety years and over 99
V. Zeman: Cold adaptation in man - possibilities and limits 105
M. Štork, K. Blaško: KARDIOSPIROX-W and KONSIL-W the device for spirometrie examination 109
M. Štork, J. Stráník: Use KONSIL software for aerobic and anaerobic threshold determination 113
Z. Vilikus: Interactive evaluation of physical activity with the help of software application in Excel 97 spreadsheet 117
P. Zelenka: Misunderstanding of the importance of the movement activity in the prevention and therapy in civilisation diseases 119
J. Sýkora, F. Stožický, J. Varvařovská, J. Kuntscherová: Diagnostic possibilities of Helicobacter pylori infection and their clinical applications in childhood 123
J. Kohout, M. Nakládalová: Occupational rhinitis in West Bohemia and North Moravia 127
A. Barnáš, H. Jirková, O. Slach, F. Vožeh: The methods of intracaecal administration of substances on laboratory rat and their utilization for studying the etiology of colonic cancer 135
M. Parmová: The assessment of functional condition of transplantate of kidneys by the duplex sonography - correlation with biochemistry and histologie findings 139
Z. Toner: Microscopic anatomy of the sixth prenatal stage of the bank vole (C. glareolus) 143
J. Kohout, E., Brtáňová: Medical problems in works of saint Ignatius from Loyola and Gabriel Hevenesi 149
P Žolková, Z Rušavý, I. Klimeš: Models of insuline resistance in animals 153
From the life of Faculty
From the activity of our Faculty in 1998165
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Jan Kilian, DrSc.169
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Hladíková, CSc.171
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Jiří Šolc, CSc.173
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Jinřich Šebor, CSc.175
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Jaromír Bouda, CSc.176
65th Anniversary of Mgr. Jiří Boháč178
The 1998 Bibliography of Scientific Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Medical Faculty, Charles University, Plzeň179
ISSN 0551-1038