Archive volume
Volume 67
Year 2001
V. Mornstein, J. Škorpíková, A. Bourek, I. Hrazdíra: Medical physics, biophysics and informatics | 5 |
A. Bourek, J. Žižka: Strategy and tactics for searching retrieval and management | 11 |
K. Kozlíková, E. Králová: Written tests of examination in biophysics | 15 |
P. Kasal: Evaluation of quality of www documents | 19 |
J. Hálek, B. Sharp, L. Doležal, V. Huser, R. Jindra, K. Navrátil, M. Jurečková: Experiences of education of informatics in the ERASMUS programme | 27 |
J. P. Naidr: Teaching of medicine on internet | 31 |
S. Ďoubal, P. Klemera: Apparatus for the measurement of mechanical parameters of viscoelastic bodies | 41 |
M. Weis, E. Kráĺová, K Kozlíková, J. Klíma: Interaction of high frequency electromagnetic fields with material environment | 49 |
E. Kráĺová, K. Kozlíková, Z. Balázsiová: Correlation in izointegral maps | 57 |
J. Bukač: Discrete mixing | 61 |
P. Nádeníček, V. Mornstein, P. Grec: Low-frequency acoustic signal analysis - a new method for detection of cavitation | 65 |
L. Doležal, J. Hálek, S. Smolan: Evaluation of lateral resolution of sonographs with the help of ball target | 71 |
Z. Balázsiová, K. Kozlíková: Changes of QRS complex in isointegral ECG maps in dependence of used baseline | 77 |
J. Martinka, Z. Balázsiová, E. Kráĺová, E. Ferencová: Analysis of absolute extrems in izointegrale maps of QRS complex in longlasting watching of patients with myocardial infarction | 83 |
J. Tóthová, A. Mojzešová, L. Mirossay, P. Miškovský: Photoinduced antitumour activity of hypericin and hypocrellin A: tests on the U-87 MG cell line | 87 |
J. Gallová, M. Čechová, K. Štyndlová: The influence of stobadine and its acylderivatives on the oxidation of egg phosphatidylcholine | 93 |
P. Balgavý, J. Filípek, D. Uhríková: Effect of cholesterol on the oxidation of natural phosphatidylcholine in multilamellar liposomes | 99 |
L. Strašák, V. Vetterl, J. Šmarda: Efect of low-frequency magnetic fields on bacteria Escherichia coli | 105 |
L. Csáderová, T. Hianik, M. Šnejdárková: Possibilities of the use of modified molecular films for the production of immunosensors | 113 |
A. Šídlová, J. Škorpíková, I. Hrazdira: Effects of therapeutic laser on cell cultures | 119 |
J. Staničová, P. Kovalčík, P. Miškovský: Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy study of amantadine and amantadine-histidine complex | 123 |
J. Jakus, I. Poliaček, A. Stránsky, H. Baráni, L.. Bolešová: Production of the cough reflex after the lesion of brain stem in cats | 131 |
J. Pešák, S. Laichman, K. Vojtěchovský, J. Honová, K. Steinmetz: Comments on the outline of the physiological basis of the musical character of speech | 139 |
A. Kratochvíl, V. Mornstein, L. Forýtková: Sonochemical effects of the stomatological ultrasonic apparatus Piezon Master 400 | 143 |
J. Cendelín, F. Vozeh: Investigation of dopamine Dl receptor function in spatial learning in olivocerebellar degeneration model | 147 |
S. Lacigová, Z. Rušavý, D. Čechurová, R. Kárová, Z. Jankovec: The effect of the hydrocoloid dressing Granuflex in the treatment of the diabetic foot ulcers | 155 |
V. Zaremba, H. Zavázalová, S. Vožehová, K. Zikmundová: Overall morbidity in older persons at the end of the twentieth century | 161 |
D. Havel, A. Skálová: Proliferative activity of pleomorphic adenoma | 169 |
A. Tvaroh, J. Polívka, P. Ševčík: C02 reactivity of patients with carotid artery disease measured by transcranial Dopplerometry | 177 |
A. Tvaroh, J. Polívka, P. Ševčík: Time-related changes of cerebrovascular reserve capacity during the internal carotid artery occlusion | 183 |
M. Kučera: What Pilsen gave sports medicine | 189 |
J. Skolka, K. Lukavský, J. Reischig: Monumental triptych from Augustin Němejc in the building of Medical Faculty in Pilsen | 193 |
From the life of Faculty | |
From the activity of our Faculty in 1999 | 195 |
Doc. MUDr. Dušan Polívka - 100 years birth anniversary | 198 |
Prof. MUDr. Karel Bobek 1909-1964 | 201 |
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Mraček | 203 |
70th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Vlastimil Habermann, CSc. | 205 |
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Vladimír Zaremba, DrSc. | 207 |
60th Anniverasary of doc. MUDr. Václav Zeman, CSc. | 209 |
60th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Ambler, DrSc. | 211 |
50th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Jiří Beran, CSc. | 213 |
50th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Boris Kreuzberg, CSc. | 215 |
50th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Michal Pešek, CSc. | 218 |
The 1999 Bibliography of Scientific Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Plzeň | 221 |