Archive volume

Volume 67

Year 2001


V. Mornstein, J. Škorpíková, A. Bourek, I. Hrazdíra: Medical physics, biophysics and informatics 5
A. Bourek, J. Žižka: Strategy and tactics for searching retrieval and management 11
K. Kozlíková, E. Králová: Written tests of examination in biophysics 15
P. Kasal: Evaluation of quality of www documents 19
J. Hálek, B. Sharp, L. Doležal, V. Huser, R. Jindra, K. Navrátil, M. Jurečková: Experiences of education of informatics in the ERASMUS programme 27
J. P. Naidr: Teaching of medicine on internet 31
S. Ďoubal, P. Klemera: Apparatus for the measurement of mechanical parameters of viscoelastic bodies 41
M. Weis, E. Kráĺová, K Kozlíková, J. Klíma: Interaction of high frequency electromagnetic fields with material environment 49
E. Kráĺová, K. Kozlíková, Z. Balázsiová: Correlation in izointegral maps 57
J. Bukač: Discrete mixing 61
P. Nádeníček, V. Mornstein, P. Grec: Low-frequency acoustic signal analysis - a new method for detection of cavitation 65
L. Doležal, J. Hálek, S. Smolan: Evaluation of lateral resolution of sonographs with the help of ball target 71
Z. Balázsiová, K. Kozlíková: Changes of QRS complex in isointegral ECG maps in dependence of used baseline 77
J. Martinka, Z. Balázsiová, E. Kráĺová, E. Ferencová: Analysis of absolute extrems in izointegrale maps of QRS complex in longlasting watching of patients with myocardial infarction 83
J. Tóthová, A. Mojzešová, L. Mirossay, P. Miškovský: Photoinduced antitumour activity of hypericin and hypocrellin A: tests on the U-87 MG cell line 87
J. Gallová, M. Čechová, K. Štyndlová: The influence of stobadine and its acylderivatives on the oxidation of egg phosphatidylcholine 93
P. Balgavý, J. Filípek, D. Uhríková: Effect of cholesterol on the oxidation of natural phosphatidylcholine in multilamellar liposomes 99
L. Strašák, V. Vetterl, J. Šmarda: Efect of low-frequency magnetic fields on bacteria Escherichia coli 105
L. Csáderová, T. Hianik, M. Šnejdárková: Possibilities of the use of modified molecular films for the production of immunosensors 113
A. Šídlová, J. Škorpíková, I. Hrazdira: Effects of therapeutic laser on cell cultures 119
J. Staničová, P. Kovalčík, P. Miškovský: Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy study of amantadine and amantadine-histidine complex 123
J. Jakus, I. Poliaček, A. Stránsky, H. Baráni, L.. Bolešová: Production of the cough reflex after the lesion of brain stem in cats 131
J. Pešák, S. Laichman, K. Vojtěchovský, J. Honová, K. Steinmetz: Comments on the outline of the physiological basis of the musical character of speech 139
A. Kratochvíl, V. Mornstein, L. Forýtková: Sonochemical effects of the stomatological ultrasonic apparatus Piezon Master 400 143
J. Cendelín, F. Vozeh: Investigation of dopamine Dl receptor function in spatial learning in olivocerebellar degeneration model 147
S. Lacigová, Z. Rušavý, D. Čechurová, R. Kárová, Z. Jankovec: The effect of the hydrocoloid dressing Granuflex in the treatment of the diabetic foot ulcers 155
V. Zaremba, H. Zavázalová, S. Vožehová, K. Zikmundová: Overall morbidity in older persons at the end of the twentieth century 161
D. Havel, A. Skálová: Proliferative activity of pleomorphic adenoma 169
A. Tvaroh, J. Polívka, P. Ševčík: C02 reactivity of patients with carotid artery disease measured by transcranial Dopplerometry 177
A. Tvaroh, J. Polívka, P. Ševčík: Time-related changes of cerebrovascular reserve capacity during the internal carotid artery occlusion 183
M. Kučera: What Pilsen gave sports medicine 189
J. Skolka, K. Lukavský, J. Reischig: Monumental triptych from Augustin Němejc in the building of Medical Faculty in Pilsen 193
From the life of Faculty
From the activity of our Faculty in 1999195
Doc. MUDr. Dušan Polívka - 100 years birth anniversary198
Prof. MUDr. Karel Bobek 1909-1964201
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Mraček203
70th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Vlastimil Habermann, CSc.205
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Vladimír Zaremba, DrSc.207
60th Anniverasary of doc. MUDr. Václav Zeman, CSc.209
60th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Ambler, DrSc.211
50th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Jiří Beran, CSc.213
50th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Boris Kreuzberg, CSc.215
50th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Michal Pešek, CSc.218
The 1999 Bibliography of Scientific Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Plzeň221
ISSN 0551-1038