Archive volume

Volume 69

Year 2002


F. Stožický, O. Topolčan: Coronary artery disease risk factor management in children of a parent who suffered premature myocardial infarction 5
P. Sobotka: Topical application of epileptogenic substances to the brain cortex 11
Z. Tonar, J. Beran: The amount of facts in theoretical disciplines as a problem in medical education 27
F. Vožeh, M. Beranová, P. Šíma, P. Manďáková, V. Štenglová, M. Virtová: Neuro-endocrine-immune consequences of neurodegeneration in an animal model 33
K. Opatrný jr., K. Opatrný snr.: The development of renal replacement therapy by dialysis in the Czech Republic and at the Charles University School of Medicine in Pilsen 41
J. Mudra, Z. Rušavý: Alcohol and diabetes 51
V. Zaremba, H. Zavázalová, K. Zikmundová: Health services use in persons at the age of 50-59 years 69
J. Sýkora, K. Válečková, V. Hejda, F. Stožický: Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection in childhood, new accurate noninvasive diagnostic method of infection by stool antigen and its role in clinical practice 75
K. Koudela, V. Holeček, J. Racek, M. Kučera, L. Trefil: Influence of nutrition and antioxidants on reactive oxygen species in orthopaedics 81
Z. Zloch: Actual knowledge regarding health risks of passive smoking in human 89
J. Kohout, K. Buňatová M. Nakládalová: Smoking as a factor causing a deteriorated prognosis of occupational diseases of the airways, lungs and pleura 93
P. Holub., J. Holubová: Children and youth smoking from pedagogical view 97
M. Vohlídková, J. Pešta, E. Chvojková: Hearing examination by the method of otoacoustic emission 101
J. Hrabák: Isolation of the microorganisms from mite Varroa destructor with the pathological formations in the guťs diverticuls and the demonstration of pathogenity of bacteria Enterobacter cloacae 107
From the life of Faculty
From the activity of our Faculty in 2001115
Obituary doc. MUDr. Milan Přibil, CSc119
70th Anniversary of prof MUDr. Pavel Těšínský, DrSc123
60th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Zdeněk Rokyta, CSc126
60th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Jitka Kočová, CSc128
60th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Helena Kvapilová130
50th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Jaroslav Slípka, CSc132
The 2001 Bibliography of Scientific Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Plzeň134
ISSN 0551-1038