Archive volume
Volume 70
Year 2003
J. Švíglerová, P. Pučelík: The effect of various calcium concentrations in the extracellular solution on the myocardial contractility under insulin in adult albino rat | 5 |
P. Sobotka: Isoelectric EEG and the function of the brain cortex | 15 |
B. Schmidtmayerová, J. Cendelín, F. Vožeh, V. Žalud: The effect of high-frequency electromagnetic field on excitation and inhibition in CNS of normal and neurodefective mice | 23 |
K. Blahna, F. Vožeh, J. Cendelín, K. Ježek: Investigation of behavior and anxiety level in normal and neurodeficient mice of two different strains | 29 |
M. Krčma, Z. Rušavý: Skin microcirculation examination methods in diabetic foot syndrome | 37 |
V. Zeman: Sports activity in a cold environment | 47 |
V. Zaremba, H. Zavázalová, K. Zikmundová: Health services use by the persons over age sixty | 61 |
V. Zaremba: Working activity of seniors: visions and reality | 69 |
V. Zaremba, H. Zavázalová, K. Zikmundová: Chronic diseases - morbidity feature in persons of 60 years of age and over | 75 |
J. Kohout, K Buňatová, M. Nakládalová: Tabakismus and deterioration of occupational diseases | 83 |
J. Kohout: MDr. Jan Theobald Held, physician and musician in the time of national revival | 87 |
J. Kohout: Hospital of Plzeň hundred years ago | 91 |
From the life of Faculty | |
From the activity of our Faculty in 2002 | 95 |
70th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Jiří Valenta, DrSc | 100 |
60th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Helena Zavázalová, CSc | 102 |
50th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Renata Říčařová, CSc | 105 |
The 2002 Bibliography of Scientific Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Plzeň | 107 |