Archive volume
Volume 71
Year 2004
R. Pučelík, J. Švíglerová, L. Nalos, T. Hájek: Pharmacological alterations of ryanodine receptor and lusitropic functions of the mammalian myocardium | 5 |
F. Vožeh, R. Šíma, M. Virtová: Experimental study of the neuro-immune relationships in neurodefective Lurcher mice derived from two strains | 29 |
J. Cendelín, J. Barcal, V. Štenglová, V. Žalud: The effect of high-frequency electromagnetic field on the brain | 41 |
B. Schmidtmayerová, J. Cendelín, F. Vožeh: Regeneration of central neural system and neurotransplantations | 49 |
V. Zremba, H. Zavázalová, K. Zikmundová: Some characteristics of the primary health care for senior citizens | 57 |
R. Sobotka: Brain dead | 65 |
V. Šenglová, J. Barcal: Nitric oxide and its detection in the brain of laboratory animals | 73 |
R. Šafránek, S. Lacigová, Z. Rušavý: Autonomie neuropathy in diabetes | 81 |
D. Hrubá: Nicotine - contemporary medical view | 91 |
K. Dohnal: The prevalence and attitudes towards smoking in students of the 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University in Prague | 7 |
Z. Zloch: Health risks of parallel smoking and alcohol abuse | 101 |
H. Rosolová: Smoking from the point of view of cardiologist | 105 |
E. Kružej, R. Vaněk, J. Polívka: Tobaccoism of the viewpoint preventive cardiopsychology | 109 |
K. Zikmundová, A. Aujezdská, H. Zavázalová, V. Zaremba: Smoking habits of seniors | 113 |
R. Vaněk, E. Kružej: Therapy and prevention of the nicotinisms in the complex of the bathes patients | 123 |
D. Müllerová, R. Sucharda, D. Matějková: Smoking and obezity | 127 |
J. Čelakovský: Smoking among children in Czech Republic | 131 |
V. Eret: Interaction between heavy and long-term smoking habits and psychosomatic risk factors of atherosclerosis | 135 |
J. Kohout: 110 years from the birth of ass. prof. Jaroslav Jerie M. D | 139 |
J. Kohout: MUDr. Josef Zoul - doctor - philanthropist | 141 |
A. Tomšíková, M. Otčenášek, D. Nováčková: Taxonomie and nosologic review of yeast - like and filamentous fungi asserting in mycopathology | 145 |
From the life of Faculty | |
From the activity of our Faculty in 2003 | 211 |
60th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. František Vožeh, CSc | 216 |
60th Anniversary of doc. Jana Slavíková, CSc. | 218 |
50th Anniversary of MUDr. Jiří Beneš, Ph.D | 220 |
The 2003 Bibliography of Scientific Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Plzeň | 223 |