Archive volume

Volume 71

Year 2004


R. Pučelík, J. Švíglerová, L. Nalos, T. Hájek: Pharmacological alterations of ryanodine receptor and lusitropic functions of the mammalian myocardium 5
F. Vožeh, R. Šíma, M. Virtová: Experimental study of the neuro-immune relationships in neurodefective Lurcher mice derived from two strains 29
J. Cendelín, J. Barcal, V. Štenglová, V. Žalud: The effect of high-frequency electromagnetic field on the brain 41
B. Schmidtmayerová, J. Cendelín, F. Vožeh: Regeneration of central neural system and neurotransplantations 49
V. Zremba, H. Zavázalová, K. Zikmundová: Some characteristics of the primary health care for senior citizens 57
R. Sobotka: Brain dead 65
V. Šenglová, J. Barcal: Nitric oxide and its detection in the brain of laboratory animals 73
R. Šafránek, S. Lacigová, Z. Rušavý: Autonomie neuropathy in diabetes 81
D. Hrubá: Nicotine - contemporary medical view 91
K. Dohnal: The prevalence and attitudes towards smoking in students of the 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University in Prague 7
Z. Zloch: Health risks of parallel smoking and alcohol abuse 101
H. Rosolová: Smoking from the point of view of cardiologist 105
E. Kružej, R. Vaněk, J. Polívka: Tobaccoism of the viewpoint preventive cardiopsychology 109
K. Zikmundová, A. Aujezdská, H. Zavázalová, V. Zaremba: Smoking habits of seniors 113
R. Vaněk, E. Kružej: Therapy and prevention of the nicotinisms in the complex of the bathes patients 123
D. Müllerová, R. Sucharda, D. Matějková: Smoking and obezity 127
J. Čelakovský: Smoking among children in Czech Republic 131
V. Eret: Interaction between heavy and long-term smoking habits and psychosomatic risk factors of atherosclerosis 135
J. Kohout: 110 years from the birth of ass. prof. Jaroslav Jerie M. D 139
J. Kohout: MUDr. Josef Zoul - doctor - philanthropist 141
A. Tomšíková, M. Otčenášek, D. Nováčková: Taxonomie and nosologic review of yeast - like and filamentous fungi asserting in mycopathology 145
From the life of Faculty
From the activity of our Faculty in 2003211
60th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. František Vožeh, CSc216
60th Anniversary of doc. Jana Slavíková, CSc.218
50th Anniversary of MUDr. Jiří Beneš, Ph.D220
The 2003 Bibliography of Scientific Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Plzeň223
ISSN 0551-1038