Archive volume

Volume 72

Year 2006


J. Švíglerová, J. Kuncová, Š. Faitová, J. Capouch: Experimental model of chronic renal failure in the albino rat 5
J. Kuncová, Š. Fajtová, J. Capouch, J. Švíglerová, J. Slavíková: The impact of combined administration of guanethidine and capsaicin on norepinephnne and CGRP concentrations in the rat heart 15
J. Nosek, U. Pfail, M. Chottová-Dvořáková, J. Slavíková, W. Kummer: Intermedin in the heart of rat and mouse 23
P. Kufner, J. Reischig, M. Salášek: Detection of nuclear actin using green fluorescent protein 27
P. Sobotka: Nicotine and nicotine replacement therapy 31
F. Vožeh: Pathophysiology and smoking 43
V. Zaremba, H. Zavázalová, J. Kotrba, F. Lavička, K. Zikmundová: Perceived health and self-care of it in younger senior citizens 51
M. Valešová, V. Zeman: Development of muscular dysfunction in sporting children 59
J. Novák, V. Zeman, A. Veselková, O. Macharáček, J. Racek: Plasma testosterone changes in the connection with the excessive endurance performance (24hour run). 63
J. Novák, L. Havlíčková, S. Matolín, R. Moravec, L.. Bohman: Histochemical analysis of bioptic samples of muscles of sprint-runners 69
D. Hrubá: Changes of right-handedness preference: are they markers of the more serious damage of nervous system? 75
J. Víšek, Z. Rušavý: Non alcoholic fatty liver disease 81
Z. Hess, H. Rosolová, J. Podlipný, O. Topolčan, B. Petrlová: Depression and stress hormones 97
J. Klečka, M. Hora: Miniinvasive treatment of patients with benign prostate hypertrophy using KTP laser and our first experience with photoselective vaporization of prostate in Czech Republic 101
V. Eret, M. Hora, J. Klečka jr., P. Stránský, H. Grégrová: Laparoscopic adrenalectomy 109
P. Stránský, M. Hora, T. Űrge, V. Eret: Laparoscopic therapy of varicocele with using computer controlled bipolar coagulation 117
T. Űrge, M. Hora, O. Hes: Oncocytic papillary renal cell carcinoma: a report of 12 cases 123
P. Huml, V. Vacek, J. Kutilová: Ileus of premature 127
P. Chaloupka, J. Bouda jun., Z. Rokyta: Success rate of female urinary incontinence treatment after radical operation in the small pelvic followed by actinotherapy 131
M. Tymkivová, B. Šestáková, K. Svoboda, Š. Bejvančický, Z. Radová, E. Kasal, L. Chytra: What are the most frequent patients' worries in perioperative time? 133
M. Hauerová, E. Zavadilová, V. Kyselová, I. Šůhová: History of examination of viral markers in the Transfusion department in Pilsen 137
J. Hrubá: Deleucotization of the blood 143
V. Petrová, M. Balvín, H. Kvapilová: Intoxication with synthetic (opioid) drugs in the years 2000-2005 147
P. Mandys, H. Kvapilová: Strangulation 153
H. Řehulka, P. Hrubý, M. Šamanová, E. Čechová: Sudden and unexpected deaths in the praxis of forensic medicine 157
M. Dvořák, M. Šamanová: Criminal defensive mutilation of the human body 161
J. Kohout, E. Zahradníková: Health service workers and heydrichiade 165
J. Kohout: 200 years from the birth of professor Josef Škoda 169
J. Beran: Medical studies of Josef Arnošt Ryba 173
From the life of Faculty
70th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. J. Kohout, CSc183
65th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. F. Stožický, DrSc185
65th Anniversary of MUDr. J.Novák189
The 2005 Bibliography of Scientific Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Plzeň193
ISSN 0551-1038