Archive volume
Volume 72
Year 2006
J. Švíglerová, J. Kuncová, Š. Faitová, J. Capouch: Experimental model of chronic renal failure in the albino rat | 5 |
J. Kuncová, Š. Fajtová, J. Capouch, J. Švíglerová, J. Slavíková: The impact of combined administration of guanethidine and capsaicin on norepinephnne and CGRP concentrations in the rat heart | 15 |
J. Nosek, U. Pfail, M. Chottová-Dvořáková, J. Slavíková, W. Kummer: Intermedin in the heart of rat and mouse | 23 |
P. Kufner, J. Reischig, M. Salášek: Detection of nuclear actin using green fluorescent protein | 27 |
P. Sobotka: Nicotine and nicotine replacement therapy | 31 |
F. Vožeh: Pathophysiology and smoking | 43 |
V. Zaremba, H. Zavázalová, J. Kotrba, F. Lavička, K. Zikmundová: Perceived health and self-care of it in younger senior citizens | 51 |
M. Valešová, V. Zeman: Development of muscular dysfunction in sporting children | 59 |
J. Novák, V. Zeman, A. Veselková, O. Macharáček, J. Racek: Plasma testosterone changes in the connection with the excessive endurance performance (24hour run). | 63 |
J. Novák, L. Havlíčková, S. Matolín, R. Moravec, L.. Bohman: Histochemical analysis of bioptic samples of muscles of sprint-runners | 69 |
D. Hrubá: Changes of right-handedness preference: are they markers of the more serious damage of nervous system? | 75 |
J. Víšek, Z. Rušavý: Non alcoholic fatty liver disease | 81 |
Z. Hess, H. Rosolová, J. Podlipný, O. Topolčan, B. Petrlová: Depression and stress hormones | 97 |
J. Klečka, M. Hora: Miniinvasive treatment of patients with benign prostate hypertrophy using KTP laser and our first experience with photoselective vaporization of prostate in Czech Republic | 101 |
V. Eret, M. Hora, J. Klečka jr., P. Stránský, H. Grégrová: Laparoscopic adrenalectomy | 109 |
P. Stránský, M. Hora, T. Űrge, V. Eret: Laparoscopic therapy of varicocele with using computer controlled bipolar coagulation | 117 |
T. Űrge, M. Hora, O. Hes: Oncocytic papillary renal cell carcinoma: a report of 12 cases | 123 |
P. Huml, V. Vacek, J. Kutilová: Ileus of premature | 127 |
P. Chaloupka, J. Bouda jun., Z. Rokyta: Success rate of female urinary incontinence treatment after radical operation in the small pelvic followed by actinotherapy | 131 |
M. Tymkivová, B. Šestáková, K. Svoboda, Š. Bejvančický, Z. Radová, E. Kasal, L. Chytra: What are the most frequent patients' worries in perioperative time? | 133 |
M. Hauerová, E. Zavadilová, V. Kyselová, I. Šůhová: History of examination of viral markers in the Transfusion department in Pilsen | 137 |
J. Hrubá: Deleucotization of the blood | 143 |
V. Petrová, M. Balvín, H. Kvapilová: Intoxication with synthetic (opioid) drugs in the years 2000-2005 | 147 |
P. Mandys, H. Kvapilová: Strangulation | 153 |
H. Řehulka, P. Hrubý, M. Šamanová, E. Čechová: Sudden and unexpected deaths in the praxis of forensic medicine | 157 |
M. Dvořák, M. Šamanová: Criminal defensive mutilation of the human body | 161 |
J. Kohout, E. Zahradníková: Health service workers and heydrichiade | 165 |
J. Kohout: 200 years from the birth of professor Josef Škoda | 169 |
J. Beran: Medical studies of Josef Arnošt Ryba | 173 |
From the life of Faculty | |
70th Anniversary of doc. MUDr. J. Kohout, CSc | 183 |
65th Anniversary of prof. MUDr. F. Stožický, DrSc | 185 |
65th Anniversary of MUDr. J.Novák | 189 |
The 2005 Bibliography of Scientific Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Plzeň | 193 |