Archive volume

Volume 73

Year 2007


P. Pučelík: Postextrasystolic potentiation is determined by the function of sarcoplasmatic reticulum 5
V. Žalud, J. Barcal, J. Vrba: Measurement of absorption of electromagnetic radiation by biological object 15
V. Zeman, M. Štork, P. Bláha, J. Novák: Prediction of body height in adulthood and creation of the computer program 27
M.Valešová, V. Zeman: Development of muscular dysfunction in sporting children 35
J. Langmajerová, M. Bursová, J. Čelakovský: Compensation of static overload of children at school 41
V. Zaremba, H. Zavázalová, K. Zikmundová, J. Kotrba, F. Lavička: Subjective health, selected determinants, and consumption of health services in patients at the age of 50-59 years 47
D. Kacerovská, K. Pizinger, C. Englerová, M. Švecová: Cell cultures: cultivation of melanocytes 57
J. Kohout, K. Buňatová, M. Nakládalová: Nicotinism in the occupational and family environment 61
M. Hutan, F. Ondriaš: Suprarenal myelolipoma: Case report and review of the literature 65
D. Sedláček, D. Matoušková, V. Štruncová, S. Amiramini: Mortality-analysis of HIV-positive persons in the AIDS-centre University Hospital Plzen CZ 73
J. Mraček, M. Choc, V. Runt: Late diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage - cause of fatal outcome 79
J. Čelakovský: Cardioprotective potential of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and of caloric restriction 85
L. Šusterová, J. Dort, A. Mocková, M. Blažková, A. Hudec: Neonatal mucocolpos 93
M. Matas, P. Huml, J. Dort, Z. Černá: Hyperbilirubinemia as manifestation of hemolytic anemia due to inborn defect of pyruvate kinase 99
P. Huml, M. Matas, V. Vacek, J. Bierhanzlová, P. Mukenšnábl: Embryonic persisting structures in the umbilical cord 103
M. Kylarová: Lymphoedema - etiopathogenesis, differential diagnosis and therapy . 107
M. Novák: Occupational dermatoses in Pilsen region in the years 2004-2006 111
P. Chaloupka: Overactive urinary bladder 113
J. Žán: Master Jan Rokycana with the eyes of physician 117
J. Novák: 200 years from the birthday of Karel Slavoj Amerling 123
J. Kohout, E. Zahradníková: Medicíne in the life and work of Karel Havlíček Borovský 133
From the life of Faculty
Birth Anniversary of doc. Ing. Zdeněk Zloch, CSc139
Birth Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Jiří Motán, CSc142
Birth Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Jitka Kočová, CSc144
Birth Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Helena Kvapilová, CSc146
Birth Anniversary of PhDr. Dagmar Kozlíková147
Birth Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Vladislav Třeska, DrSc.150
The 2006 Bibliography of Scientific Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Faculty of Medicíne, Charles University, Plzeň152
ISSN 0551-1038