Archive volume

Volume 74

Year 2008


J. Pučelík: The verapamil effect on the slow action potential and isometric contraction of the right ventricle papillary muscles of adult guinea-pigs 5
J. Pučelík: The effect of period of inactivity on the electro-mechanical relationships in the newborn and adult rabbit ventricular myocardium 3
M. Kunová, J. Barcal, J. Cendelín, O. Hes, I. Korelusová, T. Kostrouch, P. Mandáková, V. Markvartová, P. Mukenšnábl, Z. Tonar, O. Topolčan, F. Vožeh, J. Vrzalová, V. Žalud: Influence of the stay in the cockpit on the neuro-behavioral, endocrino-immuological and organ characteristics of mutant Lurcher mice 23
V. Zeman: Sports medicine and its position in the medicine and in the society 37
R. Herynková, J. Průšová, M. Scheinkönigová: Exchange transfusion and haemolytic disease of the fetus 43
J. Smejkal: Influence of electrotherapy, massage, thermotherapy with peloids and active kinetic treatment on lower back pain 49
T. Svoboda, J. Prausová, R. Vyzula: Biological therapy of breast carcinoma 55
V. Arnetová: Biological treatment of metastatic renal carcinoma 59
V. Zaremba, H. Zavázalová, K. Zikmundová, J. Kotrba: Selected social characteristics of the life of patients in middle age (50-59 years) 63
V. Machartová, I. Bronzová, J. Wehleová: The list of professional diseases new found in the year 2007 in Pilsener and Karlsbad region 71
V. Machartová, H. Bártová: Professional diseases in career musicians 75
H. Čechová: The result of the spirometrie examination in asthmatic patiens 79
H. Bejčková, H. Čechová, O. Kadeřábková, E. Ludvíková, J. Hrušovský: The collective poisoning of methyl-aerylate and n-butyl-metacrylate 83
I. Šebová, J. Kortánová: Listeria monocytogenes, listeriosis 87
M. Šamanová, P. Mandys: Liquidating and punitive beating 91
J. Kohout: 155 years from the birth of prof. Josef Thomayer 95
J. Kohout: 300 years from the birth of Carl Linné 97
From the life of Faculty
Birth Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Alena Linhartová, DrSc101
Birth Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Helena Zavázalová, CSc102
Birth Anniversary of MUDr. Jana Táborská, Ph.D104
Birth Anniversary of MUDr. Vendulka Machartová, Ph.D105
Birth Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Jan Filipovský, CSc107
Birth Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Petr Panzner, CSc110
The 2007 Bibliography of Scientific Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Plzeň113
ISSN 0551-1038