Archive volume

Volume 76

Year 2010


P. Sobotka, P. Sobotka: Interaction of 3-aminopropansulphonic acid with strychnine epileptogenic focus 5
P. Pučelik: The effect of micromolar concentrations of ryanodine on the postextrasystolic contraction of the right ventricle papillary muscles of adult rabbits 9
M. Chottová Dvořáková, M. Smetanová, E. Mistrová, J. Slavíková, S. Hynie, P. Šída, V. Klenerová: Effect of two types of stress on expression of choline acetyltransferase and muscarinic M2 receptors in heart atria of rats with different activity of HPA axis 19
M. Smetanová, M. Chottová Dvořáková, E. Mistrová, J. Slavíková, S. Hynie, P. Šída, V. Klenerová: Expression of choline acetyltransferase and muscarinic M2 receptors in heart atria of rat strain Sprague-Dawley and Lewis 25
E. Mistrová: Expression of CRLR in the rat heart during postnatal development: Effect of sensory and sympathetic denervation 29
Z. Houdek, J. Cendelín, V. Kulda, F. Vožeh, V. Babuška, J. Hatina, L. Hájková, M. Králíčková, N. Zech, J. Pacherník, P. Uher: Retinoic acid-induced neural differentiation of mouse embryonal carcinoma and embryonal stem cells - a pilot study 37
F. Vožeh, A. Zumrová: Animal models of cerebellar dysfunction 41
V. Zaremba, H. Zavázalová, K. Zikmundová, J. Kotrba: Bright sides and drawbacks in the life of younger senior citizens (65-74 years), their pleasures and worries 51
K. Koudela jr., K. Koudela sr., J. Koudelová, M. Kunešová: Universal localisation of gouty tophi 57
J. Šafránek, V. Špidlen, J. Klečka, J. Vodička, V Šimánek: First pulmonary metastasectomy 67
J. Mraček, P. Vacek, I. Holečková, M. Choc: Current possibilities in the neurosurgical management of brain gliomas 71
M. Choc, V. Runt, J. Mraček, I. Holečková, P. Lavička: Our experience with diagnosis and therapy of vestibular schwannoma 77
L. Galek: Projects solved with OVAVT department 87
From the life of Faculty
Birth Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Mraček93
Birth Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Václav Zeman, CSc97
Birth Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Jaromír Kotyza, CSc99
Birth Anniversary of prof. MUDr. Karel Koudela, CSc101
Birth Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Boris Kreuzberg, CSc103
Birth Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Antonín Zicha, CSc105
Birth Anniversary of PhDr. Dana Zdeňková107
The 2009 Bibliography of Scientific Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Plzeň109
ISSN 0551-1038