Archive volume

Volume 77

Year 2011


J Kotyza, B. Werle: A variant form of gelatinase B/MMP-9 detected in pleural fluid of a lung cancer patient 9
J. Novák, H. Kvapilová, V. Zeman: Abnormal coronary bed as a co-participating cause of sudden death during cycling 13
E. Mistrová, J. Slavíková, M. Chottová-Dvořáková: Postnatal development of NPY expression in the rat heart atria - effect of sympathetic dennervation 17
J. Slípka: We all have been students of Jan E. Purkyně 23
Z. Roček: On an interesting phenomenon in morphogenesis of fossil amphibians: an example of relationships between paleontology and developmental histology 35
P. Šima: Why an immunologist needs a morphologist 43
Z. Šoustek, E. Kadlecová: Controled brain hyperthermia in prevention and rehabilitation of Alzheimer's senile dementia 53
V. Zaremba, H. Zavázalová, K. Zikmundová, J. Kotrba: How have some social and psychological determinants changed with the continuous age in the life of senior citizens (with the special consideration of the age group of 75-79 years) 57
P. Huml, J. Dort, A. Mocková: Whole body hypothermia in the therapy of the hypoxic newborne 65
J. Novák, V. Zeman, M. Štork: Cardiac output determination during spiroergometric examination 69
A. Mocková, V. Lukášová, J. Dort, Z. Lucková: Depression and maternal antidepressant therapy from the perspective of neonatologist 79
K. Buriancová, S. Virtová, J. Kydlíčková, D. Sedláček: Malaria at the Department of infectious diseases in Pilsen 83
P. Sobotka: Topinamburs in diabetic diet 89
From the life of Faculty
Birth Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Luboš Holubec, CSc95
Birth Anniversary of MUDr. Jaroslav Novák97
Birth Anniversary of doc. RNDr. Pavel Fiala, CSc99
Birth Anniversary of RNDr. Alena Němečková, CSc102
Birth Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Pavel Pučelík, CSc104
Birth Anniversary of MUDr. Jiří Polívka, CSc106
The 2010 Bibliography of Scientific Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Plzeň108
ISSN 0551-1038