Archive volume
Volume 77
Year 2011
J Kotyza, B. Werle: A variant form of gelatinase B/MMP-9 detected in pleural fluid of a lung cancer patient | 9 |
J. Novák, H. Kvapilová, V. Zeman: Abnormal coronary bed as a co-participating cause of sudden death during cycling | 13 |
E. Mistrová, J. Slavíková, M. Chottová-Dvořáková: Postnatal development of NPY expression in the rat heart atria - effect of sympathetic dennervation | 17 |
J. Slípka: We all have been students of Jan E. Purkyně | 23 |
Z. Roček: On an interesting phenomenon in morphogenesis of fossil amphibians: an example of relationships between paleontology and developmental histology | 35 |
P. Šima: Why an immunologist needs a morphologist | 43 |
Z. Šoustek, E. Kadlecová: Controled brain hyperthermia in prevention and rehabilitation of Alzheimer's senile dementia | 53 |
V. Zaremba, H. Zavázalová, K. Zikmundová, J. Kotrba: How have some social and psychological determinants changed with the continuous age in the life of senior citizens (with the special consideration of the age group of 75-79 years) | 57 |
P. Huml, J. Dort, A. Mocková: Whole body hypothermia in the therapy of the hypoxic newborne | 65 |
J. Novák, V. Zeman, M. Štork: Cardiac output determination during spiroergometric examination | 69 |
A. Mocková, V. Lukášová, J. Dort, Z. Lucková: Depression and maternal antidepressant therapy from the perspective of neonatologist | 79 |
K. Buriancová, S. Virtová, J. Kydlíčková, D. Sedláček: Malaria at the Department of infectious diseases in Pilsen | 83 |
P. Sobotka: Topinamburs in diabetic diet | 89 |
From the life of Faculty | |
Birth Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Luboš Holubec, CSc | 95 |
Birth Anniversary of MUDr. Jaroslav Novák | 97 |
Birth Anniversary of doc. RNDr. Pavel Fiala, CSc | 99 |
Birth Anniversary of RNDr. Alena Němečková, CSc | 102 |
Birth Anniversary of doc. MUDr. Pavel Pučelík, CSc | 104 |
Birth Anniversary of MUDr. Jiří Polívka, CSc | 106 |
The 2010 Bibliography of Scientific Publications Issued by the Institutes and Clinics of the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Plzeň | 108 |